

Question by  michelle99 (73)

What's needed from a doctor for 504 plans?


Answer by  Christian9247 (5042)

This is required from a doctor to prove the diagnosis for your child's physical or mental impairment. It's a written report from your doctor explaining who this disability has impaired your child or if at all.


Answer by  Ycal19 (23)

A 504 plan will simply formalize accommodations that a school will make to assist a student with a disability. The only thing that is needed from a doctor is a letter documenting the child's condition and noting the necessary changes.


Answer by  JenniferJ (326)

A doctor needs to provide a diagnosis for the child for their physical or mental impairment. The doctor needs to provide information about how this disability substantially impairs a child's major life activity and makes accommodations in services necessary. Any evaluations the doctor has done on the child to demonstrate the child's functioning will be helpful.


Answer by  trilliank (29)

You would need a written statement of the issue. If it is ADD then a statement from a medical professional that states the child has been diagnosed. The same goes for any allergies or learning disorders that would qualify a child for a 504 plan.


Answer by  bsample818 (35)

The doctor's note must clearly state the disease, or nature of the child's disability, symptoms, and any necessary accomodations for the school to take.

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