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Question by  baxlash (49)

What should I know about planting flowers around the base of trees?


Answer by  brianadragon (78)

When planting flowers around trees, you should know if they will thrive in shadows, what their nutritional needs are, and if they will interfere with the growth of the tree.


Answer by  somerset (801)

You will need to find a flower that likes the shade. Impatiens for example might be a good choice. Or you can plant fern, that has no flowers but has lush green leaves. Another choice would be coleus, that has very colorful leaves.


Answer by  Emr (698)

Make sure your flowers don't need a lot of sun. A dense tree can shade your flowers. Also, make sure that the watering needs of the flowers are compatible with the trees. Be aware of some trees which have toxins that retard understory growth, like eucalyptus.


Answer by  mike68 (20)

You can always plant flowers in the area around a tree with a 2"-3" layer of mulch without buiding up the area and have good success.


Answer by  oldgardner (1)

I'm adding a brick plant circle around old Red Japanese ornamental Plum tree. How deep can the added soil be without damaging tree or tree roots? Tree is huge but the plums are not edible I guess according to prior owner. Bricks are four levels high. Please advise me. Thanks

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