

Question by  thooyavan (24)

What should I know about planning a wedding in Jamaica?


Answer by  McMarin (119)

Planning a wedding in a foreign country is never easy, but it can be wonderful. First of all choose the season well to avoid chance of torrential rains or hurricanes. Find a local contact that can solve any unexpected problems like having all the documents in order, and making sure it all runs smoothly.


Answer by  jpkbatl (85)

Keep in mind it is a different country with different standards of behavior. You need to find an all-inclusive resort. This is for your own protection. Once there you and your guest should not leave the resort except to visit tourist area such as Dunn Falls.


Answer by  Chrisme (94)

First get a certified pastor else the wedding won't be reputable. Secondly find a good wedding planner who has done at least 8 successful weddings. Research a location you would like to get married and keep it up to date, you don't want unnecessary people there.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

You need to start by determining what the laws are concerning marriage in Jamaica and how many days it takes to get a wedding license.


Answer by  HelpfulMal (539)

Look into having your wedding at a resort. Lots of places in Jamaica have special packages for weddings that will both save you money and the hassle of securing venues and services. Some even provide witnesses :) Also, make sure you have your marriage license months in advance if you want the wedding to be recognized by the US.

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