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pet health


Question by  JohnathonLMackin (48)

What should I do for a cat that has a broken blood vessel in the ear?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

I know vetting is expensive. I've had this. I applied hot compresses- the ear has inner and outer skin,it can blow up like a balloon. Compresses brought the swelling down, I had to pierce the ear and drain it. Use Witch Hazel as an antiseptic, Bag Balm as a topical.


Answer by  Lottadogs (1258)

The swelling caused by the broken blood vessel is called an aural hematoma. You can choose to have your vet repair this so that the ear will look normal. If you leave it alone it will eventually heal but the ear will look crumpled with scar tissue.


Answer by  thelostone (1457)

If the cat is severely bleeding from its ear take it to the vet. IF its not a broken blood vessel is just a bruise so you probably don't need to do anything but be careful when your petting it.


Answer by  eilrol (1431)

It depends if the broken vessel is big or small. If it is small you can care for it yourself with a gauze or a towel. If it is big I would advise taking the cat to the animal hospital.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Take the cat to the vet and see what they recommend. Usually you just give it time to heal and don't touch it much.


Answer by  bb0603 (208)

There is really not much that you can do for your cat. Try to keep an eye on it, and baby it a little meaning not letting it go outside as much. Also take a trip to the vet and see what they think and how serious it could really be to your cats health.


Answer by  Emr (698)

Often, a broken blood vessel in a cat's ear will result in nothing more than a bruise. However, if there is significant swelling, its a good idea to take your cat to the vet to have it lanced and drained. If you let it go, the cat could wind up with a deformed ear.


Answer by  Anonymous

my cat has seen the vet his ear was drained but refilled, he had surgical intervention it was drained and a drain put in the ear, he has to wear a lampshade collar and he is really unhappy with this i feel awful for him. teresa x

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