

Question by  Irishvet (16)

What should I do about my 16 month old daughter who has had diarrhea for 12 days?


Answer by  pinkie (247)

You need to take your daughter to a hospital fast. Keep her well-hydrated. Gatorade is good. But she needs to checked by a doctor as soon as possible. Home remedies will not suffice for something this severe.


Answer by  Jas (33)

First, take the child to the doctor, there may be an underlying reason for the diarrhea. Second, make sure she has been having plenty of fluids such as Pedialyte. Finally, be sure that good hand hygiene is done when handling the stool to prevent any spread of possible bacteria.


Answer by  John (9008)

You should bring her to a doctor immediately. She likely has a serious infection or other major issue to cause such prolonged diarrhea. Moreover, diarrhea over this length of time causes its own problems, mainly dehydration. Anyone, but especially a child, suffering from diarrhea over this long of a time needs medical attention.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

What are you doing all these days?Take the baby to the doctor immediately.Continuously give water with little salt and sugar added.Do not give plain water.Give boiled water cooled.There is a harmless alternative (flower)medicine called RESCUE REMEDY,it does not have any side effects.Try that your baby will have an immediate relife.

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