health conditions


Question by  alex20 (31)

What should I do about a diminished sense of taste?


Answer by  Jimbob (2275)

This is often caused by such things as smoking which you would have to quite otherwise it is due to age an you can do nothing.


Answer by  Lakshmi65 (715)

Hyposmia is diminished sense of smell and hypogeusia is diminished sense of taste. for this we have to consult a doctor and he has to examine us and then do the required treatment for us. usually for elders only this problem is expected. have proper nutritious and protein food to avoid.


Answer by  mb (5482)

This is probably due to sinusitis. You can try decongestants or nasal sprays or nasal levage (bathing) to improve your sense of smell (the sense of taste is actually mostly your sense of smell).


Answer by  ammnivarghese (262)

This is very sympathetic state of a person in the dimished stage. We only have to follow up the right instructions teh doctor had advised us in this stage.

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