
 water  world


Question by  Marvives (10)

What percentage of the world's population has running water?


Answer by  fairoze (5)

about 3.25 billion have running water. Another large number have access to water pumped in to communal water tanks or wells, but this number is not as well documented.


Answer by  Travis (84)

If you are talking about indoor plumbing I saw a statistic that said 34% of the world is without indoor pumbling, perhaps India and China account for most of this since they have the largest populations. However Per capita I bet Africa has the lowest amount of people without running water.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

As of 2005, approximately half of the world's 6.5 billion population had running water accessible in their home. That means about 3.25 billion have running water. Another large number have access to water pumped in to communal water tanks or wells, but this number is not as well documented.

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