health conditions


Question by  lhart24 (64)

What kind of cream is good for shingles?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Your doctor will probably give you a cream to use. Shingles are, a lot of times, treated with a steroid cream.


Answer by  lillychamille (17)

Though creams cannot cure shingles, they can relieve the discomfort. Calamine lotion or a 1% or higher hydrocortisone cream can relieve itching. Zostrix, a cream containing capsicum (found in peppers) is effective in blocking pain signals from the nerves. Zostrix could cause irritation to already inflamed shingles and should be used sparingly on open sores.


Answer by  Knhalcomb (105)

A doctor can provide a prescription for an effective cream for treatment of shingles. From personal experience, Zovirax is an excellent prescription ointment for shingles. It is acyclovair ointment (5%) and works quickly. Unfortunately, over the counter creams will not likely provide relief for the pain and itching associated with shingles.


Answer by  annie52foof (1459)

Shingles are a very itchy and painful skin condition so I would recommend using and over the counter lotion, cream or ointment containing hydrocortisone which is an ingredient which will remedy itching.

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