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mental health


Question by  scariapj (346)

What is the usual treatment for a 5 year old with extreme anxiety?

My grandson is very anxious.


Answer by  allinwonderland (37)

You should talk to your grandson about what is making him anxious. You should try to find calming activities for him to do when he gets anxious. Help him focus on other activities such as reading, coloring, playing with toys. Eventually he will be able to redirect his anxiety on his own.

posted by Anonymous
Children with true/ongoing anxiety (rather than transitory anxiety) are rarely able to redirect their anxiety on their own.  add a comment

Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

I would have a family meeting and see is there is something wrong. Another thing would be to take him off dairy products, and sugar. Is he eating right, does he get enough sleep. See a doctor that can run blood tests. Don't medicate, he's to young.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

First thing is take them to your family doctor, and ask them. There are drugs for this disorder, but I would ask your family physician first.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Ask him what he is afraid of. The fears may result from parental fighting, losing a friend, or too many changes in life. Then take concrete actions to resolve them.


Answer by  Anonymous

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been found to be more effective than medication. I encourage you to educate yourself a bit about anxiety in children. I am currently reading "Freeing your Child From Anxiety" by Tamar Chansky PhD, and I highly recommend it.

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