what is


Question by  Cheyelashes (40)

What is the true story behind the Amityville house?


Answer by  Feasel (1766)

It was a faked haunting for the publicity. Its not advised to go there as the new owners haven't wanted to deal with any ghost hunters.


Answer by  leah84 (1043)

The real story is that a young man named Ronald DeFoe killed his mother, father, two sisters and two brothers while they slept. It is a real life horror story, but the movies based on the true event are a little far fetched. Ronald tried to cover up the murders and say it was a mob hit, but later confessed.


Answer by  brians6000 (640)

In 1974 a man shot and killed six family members at the house. In 1975 a family moved in, but left after a month due to Paranormal activity they experienced.


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

A murder did take place in the Amityville house, but that's as far as it goes. The family that moved in and claimed to be hassled by demons made most of it up, and when confronted about it actually admitted most of it. Currently, the house still stands, but the people who own it have had the number changed.

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