

Question by  Kilgasto (26)

What is the specific gravity of soil?


Answer by  krisnair84 (211)

The term specific gravity in general is a numerical value which compares how much mass of a particular material is with respect to water. When talking about soil, it compares the mass of one particular sample with respect to an equivalent volume of water.


Answer by  naveenmj (19)

The ratio of the weight in air of a given volume of material at standard temperature to weight in air of equal volume of distilled water at same temperature. G=(w2-w1)/[(w4-1)-w3-w2)]


Answer by  Mac44 (479)

Soils can vary depending on the amount of quartz and clay in them, but in general, the specific gravity is between 2. 6-3. 1.


Answer by  mturk11 (140)

Soil does not have a specific gravity. The gravity constant on earth, that is the same everywhere on earth, is 9. 8 meters per second squared, and only varies slightly when altitude is taken in to account.


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

You don't provide enough information to answer the question. Soil will have different specific gravities depending on its composition. In fact, geologists measure s.g. in the field to determine composition.

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