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health conditions


Question by  fd1000 (37)

What is the relationship between phlebitis and blood clots?

What is phlebitis, anyway?


Answer by  TV (305)

Phlebitis is inflammation of a vein, most commonly in the leg. Symptoms include, redness, swelling and warmth of the affected area. Often the vein feels hard. When blood clots occur with phlebitis, it is called thrombophlebitis. These clots often occur in the deep veins of the legs. These clots can sometimes travel to the lungs.


Answer by  Dave8004 (21)

phlebitis is a condition of the vascular structure caused, in part, by blood clots. Its main indication is swelling of the vein or vascular wall as a result of a blood clot. when phlebitis occurs in conjunction with a blood clot and causes blood stoppage or loss of oxygen to an area it is called thrombophlebitis


Answer by  steve12 (342)

Phlebitis is an inflammation of the veins, and it can be very tightly related to the blood clots, which can be produced or kept far more often in the inflamed veins.


Answer by  bvaniea (312)

Phlebitis is swelling/inflamation of a vein(s). Blood clots can cause the vein or artery that they are located in to swell and possibly become inflamed due to restricions in blood flow. This should be taken seriously.

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