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Question by  asha152002 (20)

What is the psychology of attraction?

WHY do you feel the way we do about people?


Answer by  pseudopsychologist (257)

Psychologically, people are most attracted to others who exhibit characteristics that they wish to have themselves. As the saying goes "oppposites attract" because we seek in others what we lack.


Answer by  Estkileoto (27)

The psychology of attraction is the study of how people evaluate other people, especially regarding their potential as romantic partners. Thus, the psychology of attraction has important links to the psychology of attitudes as well as to evolutionary psychology. In general, people are attracted to others who are similar, nearby, symetrical, and of appropriate age and body shape.


Answer by  NPRER (39)

As humans we have evolved to be attracted to people whom we think will maximize our chances for successful reproduction. Men tend to be attracted to women with 'baby' faces who signal health and fertility, while women tend to be attracted to men who signal status.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

No one is actually one hundred percent sure. Some say that people give off chemicals called pheromones that we unconsciously smell and are drawn to.


Answer by  Lisa6938 (485)

The psychology of attraction centers around the principle that we like or are attracted to people who are similar to us, or who mirror who we are.

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