health conditions


Question by  thinktank (29)

What is the proper way to diagnose a rotator cuff problem?


Answer by  GilFinn (2065)

Rotator cuff problems are difficult to diagnose. Doctors use x-ray and symptoms described by the patient to indicate rotator problems, but MRI's are usually necessary to confirm it.


Answer by  cashian (376)

If you are experiencing shoulder pain, have limited mobility or are unable to lift your arm, you may have a rotator cuff tear. The only sure way to diagnose the issue is an X-ray, an arthrogram (the injection of dye to show leakage in the rotator cuff area) or an MRI.


Answer by  dcrusher59 (590)

Rotator cuff problems can be hard to diagnose unless done by a orthopedic professional. Most are diagnosed with the use of a physical exam, strength testing and also by using a magnetic renosance imaging or MRI. These three D pictures can be very helpful in diagnosing the severity and extent of a particular injury.


Answer by  John (9008)

Only a doctor can properly diagnose any rotator cuff issue, and you may even need to see a specialist. The doctor will rely upon both range of motion testing, as well as a x-ray or MRI.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

One way a doctor can tell this problem is with a physical exam where he checks the range of motion. Next, he can tell a lot from an xray. An MRI is also used to diagnose any problems.


Answer by  Milette (1105)

Check to see if the range of movement of both your shoulders is the same. Note any weakness or pain when performing shoulder movements. Seek medical help by ways of x-rays, an arthogram, a diagnostic arthroscopy, an ultrasound test or an MRI.


Answer by  San47 (17)

Since the rotator cuff is made up of tendons/muscles (soft tissue) a rotator cuff problem can really only definitively be diagnosed via an MRI scan or an Ultrasound procedure.


Answer by  askanswer (349)

To diagnose a rotator cuff problem, you should go to a qualified physical therapist or sports medicine doctor and have him or her take a look at your shoulder.


Answer by  rachelanna25 (10)

If you believe you have injured your rotator cuff, you should first make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor. At the time of your visit the physcian will test the range of motion of your shoulder and assess your pain. If there is evidence of an injury, the physcian will order an MRI or CT scan and possibly an ultrasound.

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