health treatments


Question by  ravot (21)

What is the proper treatment for boils?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

To treat a boil you should apply a wet and very warm compress, such as a wascloth, to the area several times a day. The boil will raise to a head after awhile and then you gently squeeze it until all white material is out.


Answer by  Quasita (119)

Hotpack the affected area 2-3 times a day until the boil comes to a head and begins to drain. Wash the area with mild soap, keep as dry as possible, and don't pick at it. Most boils will begin to drain in a couple days. If this doesn't work or pain persists, a doctor may need to drain it.


Answer by  DrSPReddy (127)

Boils are commonly caused by skin bacteria and can be treated with local hygiene such as washing with soap water and a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide that is available over the counter. If accompanied by fever an antibiotic prescribed by a health care professional such as a doctor or a nurse practitioner may be needed


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

A doctor may have to drain a boil if it becomes severe enough, but they normally disappear on their own.


Answer by  Lainie97 (10)

Visit your doctor -- she'll prescribe an antibiotic. If you want to treat it yourself, try hot boric acid compresses until the boil opens up. Then apply an antiobiotic cream.


Answer by  Dana46 (2345)

Turmeric has been widely recognized as a good treatment for boils, and is available in creams specifically for the purpose. Keep the area warm and clean, and resist the urge to puncture or pop the boil.

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