Shih-Tzu dogs are independent, friendly to people and other animals and usually quieter than other small dog breeds. They, however, tend to be playful and break things in the house.
I thihk you mean the Shih Tzu dog a small long coated breed with a happy temperament and personality that is usually friendly with people that can make a great family pet.
They enjoy and need play, but don't need a lot of outdoor exercise. Affectionate, smart, but may be stubborn and difficult to housebreak. They require daily grooming. They're very loving.
I think you are referring to the "shih tzu" dog. They are playful and loyal dogs, and they are fiercely stubborn. For example, they are hard to potty train.
Shiatsu dogs enjoy running and playing. They are smart, affectionate, but they can also be stubborn and hard to housebreak. They are friendly to other animals and humans, so they are great for families.
This free-thinking lap dog is adorable, cuddly, attention-seeking and friendly with other animals. They can be very difficult to housebreak and are known to be stubborn.