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Question by  brenben54 (36)

What is the name of the spice girls?

I need to know all of them.


Answer by  pjs7897 (30)

Well, you didn't specify real or nicknames. So I researched both for you. The oldest is Geri Halliwell better known as Ginger Spice. Then there is Melanie Chisholm or Sporty Spice. Next is Victoria Adams Beckham or Posh Spice. Forth is Melanie Brown known as Scary Spice. Last, but not least (youngest) is Emma Bunton known as Baby Spice.


Answer by  user74 (33)

Sporty Spice's real name is Melanie Chisolm Scary Spice real name is Melanie Brown Baby Spice real name is Emma Bunton Posh Spice real name is Victoria Bekham Ginger Spice real name is Geri Halliwell


Answer by  tsuerob (175)

The names of the spice girls are as follows; Posh Spice aka Victoria Adams, Ginger Spice aka Geri Halliwell, Baby Spice aka Emma Burton, Scary Spice aka Melanie Brown and last but not least Sporty Spice aka Melanie Chisholm.


Answer by  bigcordo (15)

Sporty Spice (Melanie Chisholm, also known as Mel C, b. 12 January 1974), Posh Spice (Victoria Adams, b. 17 April 1975), Ginger Spice (Geri Halliwell, also known as Sexy Spice, b. 6 August 1972), Baby Spice (Emma Bunton) and Scary Spice (Melanie Brown, also known as Mel B.

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