


Question by  dogperson (10)

What is the most expensive caviar?

How do I get it?


Answer by  mstewart986 (85)

The most expensive caviar in the world is called Almas. Almas caviar comes from a Beluga Sturgeon and is native to the Caspian Sea. Almas comes from Iran. As a result of it coming from so far away, it is incredibly expensive. It comes in a 24 karat gold container and runs at approximately $25,000 American dollars for a kilo.


Answer by  jangm96 (899)

The most expensive caviar in the world comes from Iran which is what makes it extremely rare and extremely expensive. Caviar House & Prunier in London England's Picadilly sells a kilo of Almas caviar in a 24 karat gold tin. A kilo will cost about $25,000


Answer by  ninjayanyan (19)

The most expensive caviar in the world is the Almas (diamonds in Persian). It comes from the Beluga Sturgeons, aged from 60 to 100 year-old, and cost for more than three thousand US dollars per kilo. The only place to get it seems to be at Caviar House & Prunier stores (there are one in London and one in Paris)


Answer by  bouldy (38)

Alma caviar is the most expensive in the world. It is made in Iran and is held in a 24-karat gold tin that costs $25,000. You can find it in England at The Caviar House.

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