

Question by  Anonymous

What is the knight of swords?


Answer by  Ashley (39)

It is a tarot card. The description of the card is: a iron clad knight riding a white horse. Most decks portray the same card but some have a dark background as opposed to the traditional blue background. The meaning of the card is intellect, logic and mind.


Answer by  Nisa (192)

The knight of swords is a tarot card which stands for a person who is on the move, on the prowl, and who may be unable to commit.


Answer by  PooBear (341)

The knight of swords is a tarot card featuring a young man on a white horse who is willing to take up arms in battle.


Answer by  renee (354)

Is a person who defends what he believes in. He is one who helps out in situations when no one else cares to standup and do the right thing, he could care less about compromising.

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