human body


Question by  angusf150 (48)

What is the function of the spleen?


Answer by  Dee2341 (39)

The spleen's function is primarily based upon the body's immune system. It removes old red and white blood cells as well as stores and produces a specific type of white blood cells called lymphocytes. These lymphocytes help by making antibodies and help in the removal of other debri from the blood supply.


Answer by  jwalk (389)

The spleen is the organ that is a blood "reservoir", storing the blood for use in situations such as a severe cut. It produces lymphocytes which destroy and recycle old red blood cells, and it also helps filter foreign substances from the body.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

To reserve blood in case the body goes into hemorrhage shock, removes old red blood cells, regulates iron, synthesizes antibodies, gets rid of bacteria in the white blood cells, etc. It is one of the most important organs in the human body in regards to immunization and the regulation of red blood cells.


Answer by  jamieellison (1637)

The spleen is a pretty amazing organ which isn't given enough credit for its immune system benefits and its storage of monocytes and red blood cells. Think of your spleen as a repository for cells that can make you better if you are sick or have a substantial injury. The spleen is very important!

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