

Question by  eamuscatuli (80)

What is the difference between optometry and ophthalmology?


Answer by  Scott93 (119)

Optometry is a professional that diagnoses specific eye problems in patients and prescribes corrective lenses or medical treatments. Opthalmology, on the other hand, is the scientific study of the function and problems related to vision.


Answer by  martin (522)

Optometry deals with fitting and prescribing corrective lenses (glasses or contact lenses) for defects of vision such as farsightedness or nearsightedness. Optometrists do not prescribe medications or perform eye surgery. Ophthalmology deals with treating diseases or injury of the eye. Ophthalmologists may prescribe medications or perform surgery on the eye.


Answer by  John (9008)

Their training is different. An optometrist is a doctor of optometry; they have only been trained in treating eyes. An opthalmologist is a medical doctor who has chosen to specialize--and has completed a residency--in caring for diseases of the eye.


Answer by  ilango (226)

In medical words, the meaning of both is related to eyes. but optometry is dealing with vision and how much power glass one can used to vision problem. ophthalmology is dealing with problems, diseases in eyes and related problems.so ophthalmology doctor is full power to cure problems in eye.

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