


Question by  Amy52 (12)

What is the difference between Motorola and Nokia?

Which one is better?


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

Motorola and Nokia are both known brands of cell phones. They are both good brands that have been out for years. It is more or less a metter of preferance as to which company you prefer, you also may want to check on the actual phones they have and see which one best fits your needs.


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

These are two different mobile companies. They both make all kinds of phones, ranging from smartphones to cheap phones. Both of them are equally good. It actually depends on the person who is using the phone that with which phone he is comfortable and for me the better one is Nokia.


Answer by  Viv (136)

The difference is the name only. I had a Motorola a long time ago and a few Nokia's, I loved them both but I would go with the Nokia phone. Nokia has lots of different phones out right now to choose from too. They are very sturdy too, i'd buy a Nokia.


Answer by  dhiraj (4)

nokia is better because nokia's battery is more efficient. functions in nokia handset are more use friendly as compare to motorola. nokia's handsets are more durable than motorola. we have more variety of hansets in nokia than in motorola.

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