pet health


Question by  tweety65 (16)

What is the cure for mange?


Answer by  blairemarie (128)

There are two types of mange - demodectic and sarcoptic. The first is not contagious to humans, but the second is. Your veterinarian should diagnose which type of mange your dog has and prescribe medication. A combination of medicated baths, oral medication, and topicals may be prescribed.


Answer by  missyl79 (87)

There are several home remedies which can cure mange. To provide some relief you could apply cooking oil to the infected area. Soapy lukewarm water baths will help get rid of the mites. Lavender oil or neem oil applied to the area after the bath also helps. A veterinarian may prescribed benadryl or frontline products.


Answer by  flowermom (88)

There are two types of 'mange.' There is sarcoptic mange and demodectic mange. Demodectic mange is inherited and cannot officially ever be 'cured.' Sarcoptic mange can be treated with ivermectin.


Answer by  ashley31 (263)

Take your animals to the vet. It will need a bath with a special medicated dip. Also there are two types of mange.


Answer by  mrbojiggler (181)

Typically, ivermectin is used at a dosage 3x the dose that would normally be used for heartworm prevention, given every 2-3 days for about 3 weeks for sarcoptic mange (itchy mange). If your pet has dermodectic mange (not itchy), chances are it will clear up on its own. One should consult with their veterinarian to determine mange type and treatment.


Answer by  hartford (506)

First consult a vet! If your dog has mange use a special insecticidal dog shampoo. After the shampoo, apply a topical treatment called "Ivermectin". Repeat this treatment after 21 days.

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