health conditions


Question by  Pearl (12)

What is the cause of twitching legs?


Answer by  DebH2010 (291)

Twitching legs might be indicative of Restless Leg Syndrome. There is a variety of reasons this syndrome can occur, but no one definitive answer. If your legs twitch so much that you cannot sleep at night, your physician can prescribe medication that can help. Seek medical care for this one.


Answer by  jimcro55 (813)

This is often a sign of dehydration. When the muscles and body in general do not get enough liquids and more specifically water, the muscles cant begin to twitch. This is not just specific for the legs, but also can occur in your upper body, especially in the shoulder region. try drinking a ton of water and this will stop.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Twitching legs can be caused by about a million different things most of the time it is found to be caused by either tired muscles or over worked or stressed muscles. Other times they can be caused by inactivity and they muscles are very taught because of no activity that can also lead to blood clots in the lungs.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

The most common cause of a twitch is in the nerves. Could be pinch nerve or damage nerve. Some times muscle spasms will occur and cause twitching as well.

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