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Question by  Westhamfan (20)

What is the best way to remove mildew from bathroom tile?


Answer by  YourMoneyAnswerGal (654)

Bleach kills mildew. It will also whiten the area. First, you must remove all soap scum and dirt from the tile so the bleach can get to the mildew and work. After the tile is very clean, spray mildew with a bleach and water solution. Let it sit. Wipe off.


Answer by  may74 (67)

Bleach is best. For small spots, soak cotton balls in bleach and place over spots. For larger areas, use paper towels soaked in bleach and lay over the stains. Allow to sit until the towels or cotton balls are dry. When you remove the cotton balls the stains will be gone!


Answer by  tania18 (168)

Tilex for mildew stains is the best way to mildew. Make sure your bathroom is well ventilated due tot he strong odor, spray let stand for 5 minutes then rinse

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