

Question by  Pricilla (35)

What is the best type of fencing for a mini zebu?

I want to make sure I use the right kind of fencing.


Answer by  Dan3686 (969)

You should be able to use the same kind of fencing as you would for any type of livestock. Pigwire and post, electric fencing perhaps maybe better to stop them rubbing on the fence. But as ever, well fed stock will not try too hard to get out of the paddock.


Answer by  Dan3686 (969)

There isnt reall a rright and a wrong type of fening for the mini zebu. But having said that any fencing that woulr keep in cattle and sheep is appropriate. The standard pig wire and post or even a two wired electric fence should be adequate. Aslong as animals are well fed they shouldnt break out.


Answer by  Jonathan15 (15)

A mini zebu can eat through any type of fence. However, they fear the water. Excavate a moat arount the mini zebu's home and fill with water. Problem solved.


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

A zebu is a small cow and can be restrained by the same kinds of fencing used for cows, dogs,or goats. I prefer a zebu eye level fence that prevents the zebu from being able to see outside with an electrical line to keep the zebu from climbing.


Answer by  Deb43 (579)

Mini zebus can be properly fenced in using a variety of materials. Look for any holes in your fencing large enough for your smallest mini zebu to get through. Your fence will also need to be strong enough to hold in your largest mini zebu. Take care of these two scenarios to get the most protection from your fencing.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

You would fence in a Mini Zebu just as you would a goat. They are VERY similar animals and the only difference is what you feed them. A fence a little taller than him will do the trick.

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