

Question by  saravanan (91)

What is the best day to sell gift cards on ebay?


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

The best days to sell gift cards on eBay are those when people start shopping for major holidays. This includes Thanksgiving weekend, the week before Christmas, the week before Mother's Day and Father's Day. "Black Friday", the Friday after Thanksgiving, is the best sales day of all of these ideal dates.


Answer by  lindro (9)

The best day to sell gift cards on eBay is on a Saturday because this is a high traffic day of the week.


Answer by  Mario31 (136)

The best days for selling gift cards on ebay, are usually around the holiday season, such as Christmas or New Years.


Answer by  Adam80 (13)

A week before black Friday. During this day, almost all stores will have "Doorbuster"'sale as early as 5am in the morning. Your chances of selling the gift cards of particular stores on ebay will be higher.


Answer by  Aubs (1089)

The Sunday before any major holiday is the best day to sell these gift cards. People are scouring the web for deals and last minute gifts. For example, the Sunday before Christmas would be a good day to sell the gift cards because people will be clammoring for them. You will see a lot of expedited shipping, too.


Answer by  JRossi17 (788)

The best time to list anything on ebay is a 5 day listing put on thursday afternoon, that way people can view it on their weekend.


Answer by  woohoo (61)

There is no real specific day to sell gift cards, as long as you sell them at a good price and make your ad is attractive for buyers.


Answer by  Me51 (357)

Sundays! If you can time an auction to end on a Sunday afternoon, you have the best chance of reaching the most number of people. If an auction has to end midweek, try to have it end early evening. Avoid auctions that end in the middle of the night or on a Saturday or Sunday morning.


Answer by  pedro55 (76)

The best day is any gift giving day, like the Valentines or Christmas or the Holidays season to wish the person a nice holiday or a nice birthday.


Answer by  Metaru (16)

I think that the best day for selling gift cards on ebay would be on Sundays. I think quite a bit of people are free on Sundays as that is a religious holiday and that would bring more people to buy gift cards on ebay.


Answer by  pintescuvasilegeorgel (30)

My opinion is that the best time of year when gifts are sold very well is the period around Easter and Christmas, because in this period that all dedicate many shops selling souvenirs should have full stock not to be taken by this time of year is very generous people and they purchased many items.

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