How can you tell if a Holland Lop (rabbit) is thirsty?
Our two year old Lops Rabbit has stopped eating and drinking, what could be wrong?
What can you tell me about the mini lop breed?
What is proper dwarf rabbit care, he is losing his hair?
What is the lifespan of wild rabbits?
What should I do about an ear infection in my mini lop rabbit?
What should I know about caring for miniature lop rabbits?
pet health rabbits
Question by Amy37 (33)
We just got a dwarf lop.
Answer by NGoodson (3395)
A dwarf lop rabbit will live 8-12 years if it is taken care of and allowed to live inside with you.
Answer by kirri (478)
If kept inside, spay or neutered, and fed properly a dwarf lop can live up to ten to fifteen years.
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