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Question by  Agluch (13)

What is the average cost of a small engine airplane?


Answer by  edwin33 (88)

An average cost of a small engine airplane that can be used for five passengers will cost about $22500 to $28000.


Answer by  fearlife (23)

The cost of a used small engine airplane is anywhere from $37,000 - $45,000. If you were to buy a brand new one it could cost you upwards of $150,000.


Answer by  ragedup (9)

I think that the average cost of a small engine airplane is around 30,000 dollars because you can use it on cars or truck and it will move your car or truck.


Answer by  HotWheelz (317)

The plane itself will cost a couple thousand, depending on the number of seats you have. It is like a car; the bigger it is the more money. Also you are going to have to pay annual inspection and insurance fees which will add thousands more to the cost.

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