

Question by  jamie36 (9)

What is the average actors' pay?

I know the big money makers, but what about all the other actors who don't make it big, how much money do they make when they work?


Answer by  DulceDeLeche (219)

Although there are a handful (you know their names) who make massive amounts of money, and there are others who do well, the vast majority of actors struggle. They constantly search for gigs, and many are not very lucrative.


Answer by  Redmonkey17 (50)

It depends stronly upon what region you are talking about. The average wages in hollywood will be different from that of an actor in Iowa. The USA has a median salary of $48,740, with a 25 percentile at $40,165, and 75th at $59,510.


Answer by  Anonymous

They earn depending on there contract agreement, On a average scale they get paid around $50,000-100,000 USD! Per movie or season. If you think about it, it's rather not that much for the hours they spend!


Answer by  prasath25 (46)

when they are at entry level no demand for any money. after they will become popular they are demanding crores of rupees. the average pay is around 50 lakhs.

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