

Question by  merryk (12)

What is simile?

I know it an English term, but I can't remember what it is.


Answer by  tina63 (273)

A simile is a figure of speech where two seemingly different things are compared. She swims like a dolphin is an example.


Answer by  Rob45 (99)

A simile is a term that compares two things. The words generally are not similar to each other but are made to be similar by using "like" or "as" in the comparison. A common well-known simile is, "I slept like a log". We know logs don't sleep, but we understand this comparison.


Answer by  goldsanu (28)

Simile is an English term that indicates the poetical comparison of one thing with another.It means something like that "like" , "as".


Answer by  alz (2329)

A simile is a comparison using "like" or "as". An example would be "It is as smooth as silk". A metaphor is a comparison not using those words.

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