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Question by  chuck34108 (36)

What is robotics?

A friend of mine is going to study robotics in school.


Answer by  LexiP (722)

Robotics is a science focused on the engineering, application, creation, and structure of robots. The term "robotics" was coined by a science fiction author named Isaac Asimov, who was known partially for the Three Laws of Robotics. A lot of his stories had to do with the conflicts they caused as humans frequently used robots in their everyday lives.


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

Robotics is robot technology, for instance, I saw on TV where they have a robot that can go into the chest and do some heart surgery.


Answer by  Gaudenz (5)

An engineering science concerned with how machines can be built which have these qualities: they can move and manipulate objects; their sensors detect differences in light, pressure and direction.


Answer by  Gus28 (683)

Robotics is working with robots. It includes things such as electronics, mechanics, and software development. Robots are used in space, medicine, computer graphics, artificial intelligence and other fields.

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