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Question by  mrfish (12)

What is Oprah Winfrey's address?

I want to write to her.


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

To write to Oprah, this is her U.S.A. address at this time: Oprah Winfrey, Harpo Studios, Inc., 1058 Washington Blvd., Chicago, IL. 60607. If you want her to write you back or send you a picture, be sure to send with your request, a self-addressed, stamped envelope. The average wait for a reply is three months.


Answer by  Brian94588 (304)

You can write to Oprah via her show at this address: PO Box 909715, Chicago, Illinois 60690-9715. or 110 N Carpenter St., Chicago, Illinois 60607-2146.

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