How do you animate pictures?
How do you write a newspaper article?
I'm offering free software for the java community. Should the website be org or com?
Is it common for a community well that is above the ground to have rust and sludge in the tank and galvanized pipe?
What are some of the highest paying writing companies in existence?
What are the consequences when a HOA board member breaks a rule in California?
Who developed the reinforcement theory of behavior?
internet what is
Question by rmahoney1097 (98)
They keep using it on Jeopardy!
Answer by linsm (898)
A Fark is a community website, developed by Drew Curis. The members are permitted to write comments regarding various news articles.
Answer by snappies (579)
Fark is a popular website that allows members to post little snippets from other news sources. The posts are approved my moderators and each little snippet can get thousands of hits each.
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