

Question by  Anonymous

What is current research in pscyholinguistics?

Specifically, what are people studying in terms of teaching reading to adults, developmental reading, and language and cognition?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Goggle "psycholinguistics" to locate some sites where this kind of research is detailed. University linguistics departments would also be a great source of information.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The field is immense and the research is international in the various specialty and sub-specialty areas. Best to research the matter on LexixNexis for current trends in all the fields you list. The topics are too broad and encompassing to details the current trends in each one in this limited space.


Answer by  mic (6)

The current value of an 8 cent stamp varies from 40-60 cents. I've heard that a lot of dealers won't purchase a single stamp from you if you have any

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