what is


Question by  zubenelgenubi (27)

What is a waxing moon?

I hear the term and don't know what it means.


Answer by  ShanL (684)

This is a lunar phase in which the moon appears to be growing larger until it culminates in a full moon. As the moon orbits the Earth, more or less light falls on the moon at various points in its orbit. A waxing moon marks a time when more light is reaching the moon, and it is therefore more visible.


Answer by  leah84 (1043)

Waxing moon is what you see of the surface of the moon between a new moon and a full moon. When waxing moon occurs, you can see more of the surface of the moon "lit" up. Some call it a "growing" moon. It is the opposite of "Waning Moon", which is the "shrinking" of the moon.

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