

Question by  cathoderaytube (109)

What is a TFT Monitor?


Answer by  monuser (8)

A TFT monitor is a "Thin film transistor" LCD monitor screen. These are generally the name that people use to describe the newer computer screens, some people commonly refer to them as "flat-screens". Just like TV's have recently changed from the older CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) versions to LCD or Plasma, the same is true from computer monitors.


Answer by  sweeneydjg (87)

A TFT monitor is a monitor that uses thin-film transistor technology for the ultimate LCD display. Usually provides a better response time than other types of LCD monitors.


Answer by  Peter1563 (265)

TFT stands for thin film transistor, and is used in LCD monitors and television screens, and in upcoming organic LED displays as well. With the exception of OLED displays, these work by having essentially two layers - the display itself, and the backlight - TFT drives the display part.


Answer by  amar49 (25)

A TFT monitor is thin-film transistor technology for the ultimate LCD display.It is a separate, tiny transistor for each pixel on the display. Another name for a TFT LCD monitor is an active-matrix LCD.It has a high refresh rate, high contrast.TFT LCDs are used in computer monitors, mobile phones,television sets,video game,etc

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