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Question by  Steve39 (2)

What is a TEC9?

Is it a gun?


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

The TEC-9 or Intratec TEC-DC9 is a semi automatic style of handgun. Commonly chambered in 9mm, this gun was produced from 1985 to 1994. These guns received much controversy when they were used in California street shootings and the Columbine shootings.


Answer by  philg1961 (347)

The TEC9 is a semi-automatic assault weapon that is capable of being modified to fire fully automatic. Because of it's short barrel, it is not am accurate weapon.


Answer by  ThePoltergeist (13)

The TEC9 (or Intratec TEC-DC9)is a semi-automatic firearm. It is made by Intratec, an American company based in Miami, Florida.


Answer by  leah84 (1043)

Yes, a TEC 9 is a semi-automatic firearm. The proper name for this gun is Intratec TEC-DC9. There was only one model of this gun sold under that name.

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