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Question by  schmandr (16)

What is a redlight district?

Where did that come from?


Answer by  Kazekami (197)

It refers to areas where you go to solicite prostitiutes. The term comes from the fact that in the late 1800's prostitutes would put red shades on lamps and place them in the window to advertize their buisness.


Answer by  Bill78 (179)

It's the area of town where prostitutes do their business. It arose from the red light they would use when brothels were open for business years ago.


Answer by  xjamie (12)

A red-light district is where people are hired to have sex for money. The origin of the term is widely debated. One theory is that prostitutes put red lights in their windows so everyone would know their profession. Another theory is that people look better under red lights, so prostitutes used them to look better.


Answer by  primatefreak (1616)

Part of an urban area that has concentration of prostitution and sex oriented businesses. The origin was from the "red lights" used at brothels, the earliest was 1894. Also known as "sporting district". Red lights used in bedrooms to conceal red blemishes from VD on skin of prostitutes.

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