dental care


Question by  Baimer (19)

What is a medical reason for a salty taste in the mouth?


Answer by  scigirl (129)

You might have a salty taste in your mouth for a few reasons. One is that you are possibly dehydrated which can change the chemical makeup of your saliva. It could also be that you have a sinus infection or allergies that are causing a post-nasal drip.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

First, make sure you are drinking sufficient water during the day- dehydration is the most common cause. Do you have postnasal drainage? Rarely, a nutritional or endocrine problem. Check your gums for fistulas, white bumps that may indicate an abscess, which drains at that point and can give a metallic, salty taste. Thyroid medications can cause this.


Answer by  informant31 (510)

There are many reasons. A sinus infection with post nasal drip, excessive tears, and acid reflux can all leave you with a salty taste in your mouth.

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