health treatments


Question by  MohammedImranNawaz (36)

What is a good treatment for blisters on your feet?


Answer by  Natalie14 (230)

Its best to let blisters heal on their own. Use a soft dressing for pain. The body will reabsorb the liquid and the blister will dry up and fall off.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

Wash them with soap and water before applying alcohol to them. Then sterilize a needle to puncture them with, rub ointment over the wounds, then cut away the dead skin.


Answer by  askanswer (349)

The best way to deal with foot blisters is to pop them with a sharp, sterilized needle. Leave the dead skin on and allow the skin underneath to regrow.


Answer by  RRGKK (412)

Blisters on the feet can be protected with several products. The traditional moleskin protective cushions can be found at any drug store, etc. There are also some newer protective layer type products that provide some antibacterial properties. A layer of an antibacterial ointment will work as well. If you see any changes, see a doctor, as blisters can become infected.

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