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 cars  money


Question by  worker99 (71)

What is a good price to pay for a 95 Nissan Sentra?


Answer by  SentraAnswer (9)

Well, there are several variables involved, but the blue book value (suggested retail) on a 95 Sentra with 100,000 miles is right around 2500 US dollars.


Answer by  tina54 (200)

A good price for a 95 anything automobile would be in the $1,000-2,100 price range. Less if it has high mileage or damaged parts.


Answer by  molson500 (183)

So many factors go into what you should pay for a used car. Mileage, options, body condition (rust or accidents), and even the area you live pays a big role. Check a website like and search for similar Sentra's and see what people are asking.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

IF you need a value of a used car go to Kelly's Blue Book or N.A.D.A. Guide's site and get a estimate. It's free and pretty easy to do.


Answer by  daly (125)

The prices are from $1300 to $1900. It depends what kind of Nissan Sentra 95 you want. They all have 1.6L 14 engines and drivetrain FWD. But they are different from inside car, some of them have more equipment some of them less. It depends of price you pay for car.

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