health procedures


Question by  NvyWfy (37)

What I can expect from having a breast reduction and reconstruction?


Answer by  salsafoodie (3146)

One of the most important thing that will happen is the large amount of swelling that is involved with the surgery. You will expect with ice packs and taking the medication correctly, that your swelling will be reduced in two weeks.


Answer by  JustMeKC (341)

The Breast Reduction is simple and has minimal pain. The reconstruction is more painful and has a longer recovery time.


Answer by  BrighamMSIV (229)

A Breast Reduction is a rather simple procedure whereby they make a stellate incision into the breast and simply cut out excess fatty tissue and recontour the breast to make it more appropriately sized for your body type.


Answer by  saturno (325)

A month for recovering, a inflammation of the breast, maybe a loss of sensibility of the arms but is very rare.

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