

Question by  SkylineR34 (25)

What hats do Jewish boys wear?


Answer by  anitha (20)

jewish men usually wear a cap which they call as "kippah". it is also called as yarmulke. kippah is a thin ,slightly rounded skull cap traditionally worn at all times by absorbent jewish men and sometimes both men and women in conservative reform communities. its use is associated with demonstrating respect and reference to god.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Conservative and Orthodox men and boys wear a Yarmulke to remind them that "the man is the servant of god" as well as to identify them as Jewish. Hasidim wear black hats during workdays and a variety of fur headwear on the Sabbath, the type depending on the sect.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

They wear what is called a Yarmulke. Though it has also been called a Kippah. Jewish men can also wear the Yarmulke, or they can wear another type of hat though I don't remember the name.


Answer by  Sylvia (759)

The skull cap is known as a kippah or yarmulke, both are lightweight. This in recognition that God is overhead or over man.

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