Can you translate the good Samaritan Bible story for modern times?
Is it okay for dogs to eat figs?
What could cause sticky leave on an indoor fig plant?
What is the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible?
What is the story of Moses?
Why is a fig newton called a fig newton?
Why is my fig tree losing its leaves and dropping unripened figs?
Question by entrepreneur (8)
I had never heard of it before today.
Answer by doglover87 (15)
Nipper climbed to the top of a sycamore tree to see if there were any figs. He was hungry. Jesus went to his house for figs that afternoon.
Answer by MathWiz (1408)
The prophet Amos was a gatherer, or nipper, of sycamore figs. There is no specific story about the figs. Amos warned wealthy people about ignoring the poor.
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