Can I have examples of complex rational expressions?
How can I build a dutch door?
How do I sort by expression in Microsoft Access?
How do you say sad in Dutch?
What can you tell me about trimming expression tree nodes?
What should I do about my Dutch rabbit who has diarrhea?
Why is it important to simplify radical expressions before adding or subtracting, how is adding expressions similar and different from adding polynomials?
language what is
Question by Karen57 (13)
Someone told me we are going Dutch.
Answer by John (9008)
Going Dutch means that expenses will be shared. Generally, it means that each person will pay for any tickets, food or drinks on a social outing.
Answer by DesertRat (699)
Goiong Dutch means that each participant pays their own way. If you go to a movie together and buy your own ticket, you went Dutch. I do not believe they call it that in the Netherlands.
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