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Question by  MechaNick (146)

What does epsom salt do for people?

I always hear people recommending it but what does it really do?


Answer by  joebob31 (622)

People claim epsom salt can treat or cure a variety of ailments. It can be used to soak sore muscles to relax them. Many people use it to soak their feet in. It can also be used as a laxative to cure constipation. Epsom salt can also be used as a fertilizer for some plants.


Answer by  Indira (106)

Its a kind of mineral. Epsom salt is usually used for a relief in problem like that of constipation. It actually works as a natural remedy for such problems.


Answer by  DRS (621)

Taking bats using Epsom Salts can prevent skin wrinkling after long immersion in water. The active ingredient, magnesium sulfate, can also be absorbed into the skin and may reduce inflammation.


Answer by  Julia28 (41)

If you add epsom salt to your bath the water in bath will get a special "gravity effect" which helps you to rest making your body easy buoyant. Also epsom salt soothes skin and prevents some temporarily skin wrinkling. Also, being absorbed by skin it reduces skin inflammations. Might be used for making tofu.


Answer by  blgneo (72)

It can help people with magnesium deficiency. Soaking in a bath of Epsom salts can increase magnesium levels, as well as alleviate pain ,inflammation ,reduce swelling, beautify skin.


Answer by  xynny (28)

Epsom salt is also known as magnesium sulfate, and it is a chemical that is often used in bath salts. It's used in spas for flotation therapy so people can sit in a tank and float for fun. It is also a coagulant for tofu sometimes. It's also used in medicine.


Answer by  kd1000 (18)

There are many uses for Epsom salt, including to relax muscles, draw toxins out of the body and to reduce swelling of damaged areas or more specifically to help draw out splinters. Many people also use Epsom salts to cleanse and ex-foliate to prevent spots.

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