Can I have suggestions decorating a children's game room?
Can you provide me with decorating tips for cathedral ceilings?
What advice can you give me for bay window decorating?
What are some good ideas for decorating an apartment?
What are some of the basic style staples from 1970's decorating?
What exactly is raku decorating?
What should I know about bungalow house decorating?
home decorating
Question by gopi30 (2)
Which country?
Answer by krisnair84 (211)
I believe it does not refer to a specific country, but rather 'country-like' ie. rustic and farm like, not urban look.
Answer by tamkees (3203)
Country style refers to the kind of decor you typically see in American farm country. Natural woods, simple lines and homemade quilts are common features of this style.
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