

Question by  samantha (16)

What do you feed baby boer goats when they are first weaned?


Answer by  Elfin1 (45)

Baby Boer goats are first weaned by taking them from their mothers and bottle feeding them. At the same time you should be supplementing the bottled formula with plenty of alfalfa and grasses. If commercial goat chow is the way you want to feed then you should soften it at first to aid in digestion.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Make sure they have hay as they are weaning off, and start with a cup of the grain, corn or goat pellet feed recommended for your breed (while still weaning). Increase amount as they grow, and to their needs. Goats are browsers, so try to allow them some browse, or at least hay. Consult your extension service.


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

Boer goats are best transitioned from milk or milk replacer in stages, and from milk replacer to premade goat chow and once the goat is completely weaned and moved over to goat chow, offer browse.


Answer by  worker7654 (1033)

Adult goat food is the best along with grasses which they can graze upon. If they are not eating solids then they were weaned too fast and should be returned to mother.

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