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Question by  mlahlou324 (29)

What do recommend about aquarium caves?


Answer by  Hoardy (454)

There are caves that are for sale at aquarium supply stores that are made of safe material to put in the aquarium. They also come in different sizes.


Answer by  Millie (21)

Caves are good for fish that need to have security while they sleep, smaller species can hide in them, and even newly hatched fry could hide in them for shelter. Some fish are nocturnal and will sleep most of the day in a cave if they were in the wild, so it would encourage natural behavior in those fish.


Answer by  Mathmeteachin (192)

In a fresh water tank natural rocks (granite, slate, etc... ) look the best and are the best for fish. In a salt water tank construct a cave out of coral. There are a number of fish that like the caves to hide or protect their young. Best of luck.


Answer by  BeefStrule (690)

I had a bad experience with this a few years ago. Make sure you get one that is aquarium approved.

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